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Roundabout Antiques
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Roundabout Antiques

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We operate an online business from our home in Highfields near Toowoomba Qld 4352 Australia, but we do not have a physical store location. Customers can make an appointment to see us, or they can find us at the Antiques Fairs we attend.

We are pleased to offer shipping services throughout Australia and to many developed countries, including the USA, Japan, Singapore, New Zealand, the UK, and Canada. We ship daily.

Roundabout Antiques is owned and operated by the Neilsen family, consisting of Michael and Wendy (the parents) and their son Robert. Our business is an extension of our family's long-standing commitment to being professional dealers in antiques and collectibles.

We have been in this trade since 1983 and have continuously operated since then. We plan to stay in this industry for many years to come, provided our health allows us to do so. Our long-term goals reflect this commitment, and we are similarly committed to our customers. When you buy from us, you benefit from our decades of experience, our discerning eye, our attention to detail, and our commitment to authenticity.

Good To Know

Antique Shop - Categories
Collectables, China, Porcelain, Pottery, Glass, Silver, Vintage
Antique Shop - Product Types
Antiques, Silver Plated, Art Deco, Assorted and Diverse, Australiana, Royalty
Antique Shop - Service Options
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