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Discover Highfields QLD 4352​

Highfields Directory is a website that is dedicated to providing as much information about Highfields, QLD as possible. We aim to help you find local businesses, events and more.
26.1 km²






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Businesses in highfields

A directory of all the businesses in Highfields Queensland Australia (4352).

Events in highfields

A calendar or grid view of any important events in Highfields Qld. 

Weather highfields

Current and upcoming weather information for Highfields Qld. 

Our Directory

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Below are businesses featured for the Highfields Qld area. 

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About Highfields, Queensland

Highfields (Queensland) is a lovely little town approximately 20 minutes drive from Toowoomba.

Locals love Highfields because of its beautiful natural parks, gardens and overall feel. Highfields feels like a small town yet has almost everything someone could need. 


Throughout the year, residents and visitors can enjoy a range of exciting activities and festivities.

The Highfields Pioneer Village hosts regular heritage days, showcasing the region’s history and offering interactive experiences for all ages.

The local markets are a popular attraction, offering fresh produce, crafts, and unique treasures. In addition, the community organizes sporting events, art exhibitions, and live music performances, ensuring there is always something for everyone to enjoy.


With its welcoming atmosphere and diverse range of events, Highfields continues to captivate both locals and tourists alike.

Get To Know Highfields Directory Team

Highfields Directory is committed to supporting the growth and prosperity of the local business community by connecting them with potential customers and helping them to showcase their products and services online.

Our Blog

Latest Blog & Articles

Read our latest articles on content related to Highfields Qld including, businesses, places and people. 

Highfields cafe63

Cafe 63 Highfields Now Open

Welcome Highfields residents and food lovers! I’m excited to share that Café 63 has recently opened in our community and has already gained attention. This

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